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SVT 38在1939年为苏联正式采用, 在随后的对芬兰冬季战争中, 表现不佳, 经过了一些改进, 在1940年正式定型为SVT 40(Samozariadnyia Vintovka Tokareva Obreazets, 托可瑞夫半自动步枪), 全自动版本为AVT 40, 狙击手版本为SNT 40。 早期的许多SVT 40在枪匣后方两侧有两道车出来 SVT-40, hoặc là Tokarev SVT-40, tên đầy đủ tiếng Nga là Самозарядная Винтовка Токарева, Образец 1940 года (phiên âm: Samozaryadnaya Vintovka Tokareva, Obrazets 1940 goda, dịch sang tiếng Việt: Súng trường bán tự động Tokarev, mẫu năm 1940) là một loại súng trường bán tự động được thiết kế bởi Shooting my 1941 Tula Tokarev SVT-40. Very fun rifle to shoot, though I suspect my rifle does need a replacement firing pin spring. 部隊於同年7月接收首批AVT-40。該槍在外觀上與SVT-40沒多大分別,除了新增了 一個兼作射擊選擇桿(可選擇半自動或全  AVT-40 automatic rifle[edit]. To supplement the Red Army's shortage of machine guns, an SVT version capable of 

svt 40/avt40 | The Firearms Forum - The Buying, Selling or ...

SVT-40 – Wikipedie Výroba SVT-40 a AVT-40 pokračovala i v dalších letech, ovšem v podstatně menším měřítku. O definitivním ukončení výroby bylo rozhodnuto 3. ledna 1945 . Podle odhadů celkový objem vyrobených pušek SVT-38 a SVT-40 všech verzí nepřekročil počet 2 milionů kusů. 蘇聯二戰時期裝備的半自動步槍SVT-40步槍 - 每日頭條 中文名:SVT-40半自動步槍原產國: 蘇聯類型: 半自動步槍研製時間: 1940年口徑: 7.62彈藥: 7.62*54Rmm空槍質量: 3.6kg生產時間: 1940年-1945年產量: 超過100萬支彈匣容量: 插入式彈匣10瞄準具: 表尺照門, 針狀準星全槍長: 1226 svt 40/avt40 | The Firearms Forum - The Buying, Selling or ... Jun 09, 2011

SVT-40 – Wikipedia tiếng Việt

SVT-38. El diseño del fusil se remonta a inicios de la década de 1930, cuando Fedor Tokarev renuncia a diseñar un fusil semiautomático accionado por retroceso y se concentra en el sistema accionado por gases. Stalin tenía un gran interés en los fusiles semiautomáticos, así que en 1935 convoca un concurso de diseños del cual saldrá ganador el fusil diseñado por Serguéi Gavrilovich AVT-40 | FirearmCentral Wiki | Fandom The AVT-40 is a Soviet automatic rifle developed from the SVT-40. The AVT-40 is identified by the slightly shorter stock marked with an'A'. It was developed due to a shortage of machine guns, it proved too stressing on the weapon and production ended about a year after. Existing users of the gun were ordered not to use the automatic fire mode. Tokarev SVT-40 - The Russian Mosin Nagant Forum Dec 10, 2011 SVT-40 – Wikipedia tiếng Việt

SVT-40 – Wikipedie

中文名:SVT-40半自動步槍原產國: 蘇聯類型: 半自動步槍研製時間: 1940年口徑: 7.62彈藥: 7.62*54Rmm空槍質量: 3.6kg生產時間: 1940年-1945年產量: 超過100萬支彈匣容量: 插入式彈匣10瞄準具: 表尺照門, 針狀準星全槍長: 1226 svt 40/avt40 | The Firearms Forum - The Buying, Selling or ... Jun 09, 2011 Tokarev SVT-40 | The magazine is detachable, but the rifle can also be reloaded using 5 round stripper clips. The main feature of the SVT-40 is that it is a semi-automatic rifle. Despite the various minor issues this made the SVT-40 more combat effective than the bolt-action Mosin-Nagant. The AVT-40 is a select-fire variant with a cyclic rate of fire of 750 rpm.

Svt 40 for sale | eBay

The AVT-40 was briefly introduced as a full-auto variant of the SVT, but quickly removed from service. It was determined to be uncontrollable and prone to breakage due to the increased wear of continous full-auto fire. Because of its relatively high damage and full-auto capabilities, the AVT-40 is … SVT-40 Tokarev - COLLEZIONARE EX ORDINANZA Tre varianti a confronto, tutti e tre non riarsenalizzati: A sinistra il mio SVT 40 finlandese, al centro un esemplare di ex-AVT-40 con sicura-selettore e rompifiamma a 4 finestre e a destra un SVT-40 sniper con ottica PU (esemplari gentilmente offerti per la foto dai sig. Davide Zappoli e Luca Pedroni)